Terms of Use

When you use UNSCdeb8, you consent to the following terms of use.

• UNSCdeb8 is built on the official meeting records of the UN Security Council, which are in the public domain and available from the UN Documentary Archive. UNSCdeb8 is developed as a non-profit resource for academic and applied research. It is not intended for commercial purposes.

• The data gathered from and produced by searches on UNSCdeb8 is for personal research purposes only. It is forbidden to redistribute this data, except in cases that have been authorized in writing by the UNSC project team.

• You agree not to use the data from UNSCdeb8 in any way prohibited by applicable law. You agree to store the data gathered from and produced by UNSCdeb8 in a way that allows you to identify their provenance, and that respects the terms of use. You notify the UNSCdeb8 project team of any unauthorized use of the data, or other data copyright and security concerns of which you are aware.

• You agree to reference the recommended bibliographic citation in publication (books, articles, conference papers, theses, dissertations, working papers etc.) that makes use of UNSCdeb8. The recommended reference is: Paul J. Kohlenberg, Nadine Godehardt, Stephen Aris, Fred Sündermann, Aglaya Snetkov and Juliet Fall (2019). Introducing UNSCdeb8 (beta): A Database for Corpus-Driven Research on the United Nations Security Council. SWP Working Paper Asia Division 1 (June 2019).

• You agree to send PDF copies of publications based on UNSCdeb8 to the project managers (use the Contact page for data transfer). This can be done via the Contact page. The project managers can recommend these publications as further resources on the project website. The managers will ask your authorization if they consider it useful to also directly upload your PDF copy.

• You acknowledge that the UNSCdeb8 project team bears no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses. The UNSCdeb8 project team makes no warranties, express or implied, by operation of law or otherwise, regarding or relating to the dataset.

  By using this website, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Terms of Use.   X